
Welcome to the NOW S.r.l. - Not only Waves service information page. Our goal is to provide you the very best in developing microwave and antenna components.

Our quality control standards are high. Our technicians are among the best in the world. Your satisfaction is of paramount importance.

Below is a complete list of the services we offer:


Development of microwave devices for several applications such as telecommunications and radars. We can provide mechanical dimensions of the synthesized device starting from the specification.


Mechanical plots of the devices, ready for the CNC


Prototypes of the synthesized devices. We can also provide mechanical prototypes of single devices or complex systems. Devices can be tuned and verified to accomplish the specifications.

Development of customizable software tools for:

- computer-aided tuning of filters and diplexers using vector network analysers
- recording and analysing DUT electrical performances (databases, statistical data, first-pass yield, process control, etc…)
- numeric control machine management
- resource allocations and efficiency analysis

For more information or to schedule a free estimate, please contact us either via email at or by phone at +39 0712204884. 

We look forward to serving you.

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